Products & Services

Turn Table Production System


This is a production line where molds or switchgear are placed on the table.

Suitable for small variety mass production.



  • It can be produced by a small number of people.
  • Injection is done by a traverser or a robot.
  • Depending on the product, we propose pitch feed operation or continuous operation for table operation.
  • It is also possible to install a mold release agent application robot, etc. on the production line.
Headrest production machine.
12st turntable & Traverser
Seat pad production machine.
12st turntable & robot


System example Production capacity
Headrest production machine.
12st turntable & Traverser
Production cycle 6.5-8sec / piece
Seat pad production machine.
12st turntable & robot
Production cycle 30sec / 2 pieces
  • Specifications can be changed according to the application. Please contact us.
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